Buy Accutane Online Cheap | Order Isotretinoin Generic no rx

Accutane is the trade name of the medicinal drug. It belongs to the group of systemic retinoids, where isotretinoin is the active substance. Retinoids are biologically active substances related to vitamin A.

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Accutane can help to get rid of acne forever

The use of Accutane is indicated for moderate to severe acne. It can also be used with a mild degree, but in the case when there is no effect from the previously conducted treatment with external means. The use of Accutane is especially recommended for patients with a tendency to scarring and to prevent the appearance of post-acne.

Systemic retinoids are prescribed only by a dermatologist – a doctor of this narrow specialization has comprehensive knowledge in the treatment of skin diseases, including acne. Independent use of Accutane is strictly contraindicated — it can lead to undesirable side effects.

How Accutane works on the skin

The effectiveness of Accutane in the treatment of acne is scientifically proven: scientists have conducted many studies before releasing the drug to the market. In the treatment of acne, systemic retinoids have been actively used since the 1970s. In international dermatological practice, doctors have accumulated considerable experience in the safe and effective use of the drug.

Accutane reduces the size of the sebaceous glands, suppresses their activity, prevents blockage of the sebaceous hair follicle, there is also an anti-inflammatory effect. This substance also normalizes the keratinization of the skin and stimulates its healing.

Drug regimen

The drug dose is Individual for each patient and depends on a number of factors: age, height, weight, the severity of the disease, comorbidities. The drug is taken orally with meals, 1-2 times a day. On average, the course of treatment lasts from six to nine months. In most cases, acne completely disappears after one course, but sometimes it needs to be repeated.

Can Accutane harm the body?

There is an opinion about the toxicity of drugs containing isotretinoin. This is largely due to the fact that patients often start taking the drug on their own after reading about the drug on the Internet. This leads to the development of undesirable side effects. The drug and the poison differ in dosage, so you need to understand: absolutely any drug used incorrectly or for other purposes will lead to a bad result. Once again, I want to remind you: systemic retinoids are prescribed only by a dermatologist-after all the necessary studies. Further, the patient taking systemic retinoids is observed by the attending dermatologist throughout the treatment period.

Side effects and contraindications

The kind of side effect that will occur depends on the doses of isotretinoin. As a rule, when prescribing the right dosages of the drug, the ratio of benefit and risk-taking into account, the severity of the skin disease is acceptable to the patient. Developing side effects are temporary and disappear after discontinuation of the drug. The most common side effects include:

dry skin of the face and body;

cheilitis (dryness of the red border of the lips);

dry mucous membranes cavity of the nose (epistaxis);

dryness of the larynx (hoarseness);

dry eyes (conjunctivitis, contact lens intolerance).

 To reduce the severity of the above symptoms, the dermatologist usually recommends the use of appropriate means: special eye drops, moisturizers for the skin of the face and body, lip balms, oils for the nasal mucosa.

Changes in laboratory blood parameters (changes in lipid metabolism, increased activity of hepatic transaminases), in most cases, such deviations are temporary and do not go beyond the normal values, so the withdrawal of the drug is not required. However, in some cases, blood counts can change significantly — if this occurs, the doctor will reduce the dosage or stop treatment.